Better Scores Money Back Guarantee Terms and Conditions より良いスコアまたは返金保証 | 取得更高分数的退款保障条款
Effective Date: March 24, 2024
Application: This guarantee does not apply to you if you have not taken an official SAT test before taking our Digital SAT tutoring program.
The terms and conditions below apply to guarantees offered to students under specific eligibility criteria, including:- Guarantee on Digital SAT Comprehensive Tutoring Program
- Guarantee on Digital SAT Partial Tutoring Program
1. Digital SAT Comprehensive Tutoring Program, including:
- SAT Reading and Writing Course; AND
- SAT Vocabulary Course; AND
- SAT Math Course
You can only use our guarantee on Comprehensive Tutoring Program when you complete all three courses listed above. You should refer to our guarantee on the Partial Tutoring Program when it applies to you.
2. Measuring Score Improvement
We compare the score you received on the official Digital SAT test after you completed your program with us to your baseline score on the same test, which should be your most recent official test score that you received before taking our Digital SAT Tutoring program.
If your score does not improve
If your SAT official score after the completion of our Digital SAT tutoring program did not increase from your baseline score in accordance with the table below, and you have met all the conditions of the guarantee, we will refund your tuition in full amount:
Under 1250 on the SAT | At least a 150 point increase on the SAT |
1250 or higher on the SAT |
SAT score of at least 1400 |
3. Conditions of Guarantee
a. Your commitment to the study of our SAT tutoring courses
Before your official test date, you must:
- Complete all required class hours in the courses listed in our Comprehensive Tutoring Program.
- Attend all scheduled class sessions without absence.
- After each class session, complete required homework (lesson assignment and practice test) in your Student Account -> Ended Lessons Dashboard.
- Finish and submit 4 sets of authentic SAT practice test papers before completing all our courses and taking the official SAT test.
b. Time frame for taking the official test, after the study of our courses
You must take your official SAT test within 90 days after your last tutoring session with us to use the score of this test as a reference for your participation in the evaluation of this guarantee. If you registered for an official test on the recommended test date but it was canceled, you must take the next official test that is available (unless the next official test available to you is more than 90 days after the end of your course, in which case you will need to contact us for assistance).
c. Time frame for submitting a refund request form
You must submit your official SAT score along with your online Refund Claim Form within 30 days after your official test date. You are advised to notify your course advisor once you finish submission so he/she can proceed with your application as a follow up.
Once we confirm that your request is eligible, we will refund the funds to the financial account you used to pay for the tuition.
d. Requirement of submitting your official SAT test scores
You must submit two of the following official SAT test scores for us to measure your improvement in SAT scores:
- Your most recent official SAT test score prior to taking our Digital SAT tutoring program.
- Your official SAT test score within 90 days after taking Digital SAT tutoring program.
For these two official test scores, you must submit a screen recording or mobile phone recording showing the entire process of your logging on to the official SAT website to check your scores. Your video must clearly display the following information of these two tests.
- Browser address bar: The video should display the URL information you visited throughout the video.
- Login process: The video should be recorded from the time you start logging into your College Board account.
- Candidate name: Your name on the score report shown in the video should match the name registered in your student account on our system.
- Test date and test scores: The video should clearly show your test date and test scores. This includes the overall score and the separate scores for the ERW and Math sections.
We do not accept static photographs or electronic copies of screenshots of SAT test scores.
4. Other Terms
You can only use the better scores money back guarantee on the first program you take. This guarantee will no longer apply to any of our Digital SAT program that you take again after your initial application. Please also see the General Guarantee Terms.
1. Digital Sat Partial Tutoring Program, including:
- SAT Reading and Writing Package AND SAT Vocabulary Course; OR
- SAT Math Course
You cannot use our guarantee on Partial Tutoring Program when you purchase only SAT Reading and Writing course, or SAT Vocabulary course. You should refer to our guarantee on the Comprehensive Tutoring Program when it applies to you.
2. Measuring Score Improvement
We compare the score you received on the official Digital SAT test after you completed your program with us for the same test to your baseline score on the same test, which should be your most recent official test score that you received before taking our Digital SAT tutoring program.
If your score does not improve
If your SAT official score after the completion of the Digital SAT Tutoring program with us did not increase from your baseline score in accordance with the table below, and you have met all the conditions of the guarantee, we will refund your tuition in full amount:
SAT Reading and Writing AND SAT Vocabulary:
Under 500 on the SAT ERW | At least a 100 point increase on the SAT ERW |
500 to 600 on the SAT ERW | At least an 80 point increase on the SAT ERW |
600 or higher on the SAT ERW | SAT ERW score of at least 650 |
SAT Math:
Under 600 on the SAT Math | At least a 100 point increase on the SAT Math |
600 or higher on the SAT Math | SAT ERW score of at least 700 |
3. Conditions of Guarantee
a. Your commitment to the study of our SAT tutoring courses
Before your official test date, you must:
- Complete all required class hours in the courses listed in our Partial Tutoring Program.
- Attend all scheduled class sessions without absence.
- After each class session, complete required homework (lesson assignment and practice test) in your Student Account -> Ended Lessons Dashboard.
- Finish and submit 4 sets of authentic SAT practice test papers before completing all our courses and taking the official SAT test.
b. Time frame for taking the official test, after the study of our courses
You must take your official SAT test within 90 days after your last tutoring session for us to use the score of this test as a reference for your participation in the evaluation of this guarantee. If you registered for an official test on the recommended test date but it was canceled, you must take the next official test that is available (unless the next official test available to you is more than 90 days after the end of your course, in which case you will need to contact us for assistance).
c. Time frame for submitting a refund request form
You must submit your official SAT score along with your online Refund Claim Form within 30 days after your official test date. You are advised to notify your course advisor once you finish submission so he/she can proceed with your application as a follow up.
Once we confirm that your request is eligible, we will refund the funds to the financial account you used to pay for the tuition.
d. Requirement of submitting your official SAT test scores
You must submit two of the following official SAT test scores for us to measure your improvement in SAT scores:
- Your most recent official SAT test score prior to taking our Digital SAT Tutoring program
- Your official SAT test score within 90 days after taking Digital SAT Tutoring program
For these two official test scores, you must submit a screen recording or mobile phone recording showing the entire process of your logging on to the official SAT website to check your scores. Your video must clearly display the following information of these two tests:
- Browser address bar: The video should display the URL information you visited throughout the video.
- Login Process: The video should be recorded from the time you start logging into your College Board account.
- Candidate name: Your name on the score report shown in the video should match the name registered in your student account on our system.
- Test date and test scores: The video should clearly show your test date and test scores. This includes the overall score and the separate scores for the ERW and Math sections.
We do not accept static photographs or electronic copies of screenshots of SAT test scores.
4. Other Terms
You can only use the better scores money back guarantee on the first program you take. This guarantee will no longer apply to any of our Digital SAT program that you take again after your initial application. Please also see the General Guarantee Terms.
The terms of the IvyExpert Scholarship Policy as set forth in these language versions are currently applicable in the following countries/territories:
- United States
- Canada
- Japan
- China (mainland)
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- New Zealand
For users in other regions, please contact your course advisor for the applicable policy terms.
We present the work you must do to benefit fully from your program in several ways: through communication from staff, including teachers and course advisor; through the structure of our online classes, pre-class review and post-class homework; and through additional supplemental documents variously described as syllabi.
An important component of completing this work is for you to do it over a period and in a sequence that we have designed to maximize the results you can expect. It is your responsibility to consult the available resources and to contact us for any additional support you may require in understanding what is expected. We strive to be reasonably flexible in accommodating individual circumstances. However, we reserve the right to view a student as not having completed the work required to be eligible for this guarantee should there be clear indication that actions were taken by the student to give the appearance of completion without regard for the timing or purpose of the work.
Periodically, the organizations that administer the tests referenced in these terms may choose to make changes in content, format, scoring scale, administration schedule, or other aspects of the tests that may affect the consideration of claims under this guarantee. In such situations, we make every effort to be flexible to serve students and to communicate relevant updates or exceptions to these terms, but we reserve the right to make any adjustments to our guarantees necessary in such circumstances.
For any inquiry about our guarantees, please feel free to contact your course advisor.
発効日: 2024年3月24日
適用: この保証は、当社のデジタルSAT指導プログラムを受講する前に公式SATテストを受けたことがない場合、適用されません。
- デジタルSAT包括指導プログラムの保証
- デジタルSAT部分指導プログラムの保証
1. デジタルSAT包括指導プログラムには以下が含まれます:
- SATリーディングおよびライティングパッケージ
- SAT語彙パッケージ
- SAT数学パッケージ
2. スコアの改善の測定方法
開始時のスコア | 公式スコア / スコアの増加 |
SATスコアが1250未満 | SATスコアを少なくとも150ポイント向上させる |
SATスコアが1250以上 | SATスコアが1400以上 |
3. 保証の条件
a. SAT指導パッケージに対するあなたのコミットメント公式テスト日の前に、以下を行う必要があります:
- 当社の部分指導プログラムのすべての標準コースに参加すること
- 予定されたすべてのクラスセッションに欠席せず参加すること
- 各クラスセッション後に、学生アカウント -> 終了したレッスンダッシュボードで必要な宿題(レッスン課題と模擬テスト)を完了すること
- すべてのコースを修了し、公式SATテストを受ける前に、4セットの本物のSAT模擬試験の問題を終了して提出すること
b. パッケージ学習後の公式テストの受験期間
c. 返金要求フォームの提出期間
d. 公式SATテストスコアの提出要件
- 当社のデジタルSAT指導プログラム受講前の最新の公式SATテストスコア。
- デジタルSAT指導プログラム受講後90日以内の公式SATテストスコア。
- ブラウザのアドレスバー:ビデオは訪問したURL情報を全プロセスで表示する必要があります。
- ログインプロセス:College Boardアカウントにログインを開始する時点から録画を開始してください。
- 受験者名:ビデオに表示されるスコアレポート上の名前は、当社システムの学生アカウントに登録された名前と一致する必要があります。
- テスト日とテストスコア:ビデオにはテスト日とテストスコア(総合スコアおよびERWと数学セクションの個別スコア)が明確に表示される必要があります。
4. その他の条件
1. デジタルSAT部分指導プログラムには以下が含まれます:
- SATリーディングおよびライティングパッケージ AND SAT語彙パッケージ; 又は
- SAT数学パッケージ
2. スコアの改善の測定方法
SATリーディングおよびライティングパッケージ AND SAT語彙パッケージ:
開始時のスコア プログラム
公式スコア / スコアの増加
開始時のスコア プログラム | 公式スコア / スコアの増加 |
---SAT数学(Math)スコアが600未満---- | SATスコアを少なくとも100ポイント向上させる |
SAT数学(Math)スコア600以上 | SATスコアが700以上 |
3. 保証の条件
a. SAT指導パッケージに対するあなたのコミットメント
- 当社の部分指導プログラムのすべての標準コースに参加すること
- 予定されたすべてのクラスセッションに欠席せず参加すること
- 各クラスセッション後に、学生アカウント -> 終了したレッスンダッシュボードで必要な宿題(レッスン課題と模擬テスト)を完了すること
- すべてのコースを修了し、公式SATテストを受ける前に、4セットの本物のSAT模擬試験の問題を終了して提出すること
c. 返金要求フォームの提出期間
d. 公式SATテストスコアの提出要件
- 当社のデジタルSAT指導プログラム受講前の最新の公式SATテストスコア
- デジタルSAT指導プログラム受講後90日以内の公式SATテストスコア
- ブラウザのアドレスバー:ビデオは訪問したURL情報を全プロセスで表示する必要があります。
- ログインプロセス:College Boardアカウントにログインを開始する時点から録画を開始してください。
- 受験者名:ビデオに表示されるスコアレポート上の名前は、当社システムの学生アカウントに登録された名前と一致する必要があります。
- テスト日とテストスコア:ビデオにはテスト日とテストスコア(総合スコアおよびERWと数学セクションの個別スコア)が明確に表示される必要があります。
4. その他の条件
- アメリカ合衆国
- カナダ
- 日本
- 中国(本土)
- 台湾
- 香港
- シンガポール
- イギリス
- オーストラリア
- ニュージーランド
生效日期: 2024年3月24日
Digital SAT 全科辅导课程保分退款政策
1. 适用范围
SAT 全科辅导课程,包括:
- SAT-阅读和写作;和
- SAT 词汇;和
- SAT 数学
2. 衡量分数提高
我们将您在完成我们的课程后在官方 SAT 考试中获得的分数与您在同一考试中的基准起始分数进行比较。您的基准起始分数,是您在学习我们的 SAT 考试准备课程之前,最近一次的SAT官方考试分数。
如果您在课程结束后的 SAT 官方分数没有按照下表所示从起始分数提高,并且您已满足适用保分退款政策的所有条件,我们将退还您的学费。
起始分数 | 在完成我们的课程后参加官方 SAT考试成绩 |
SAT成绩在1250分以下 | SAT成绩至少提高150分 |
SAT成绩在1250分及1250以上 | SAT成绩至少在1400分 |
3. 适用保分退款政策的条件
a. 您在学习我们的 SAT 辅导课程时应满足的条件
- 修习完成我们全科辅导的所有课程。
- 完整出席所有授课活动。
- 在每节授课后,按照您的学员账户->已上课程页面中提示,完成所有课后作业。
- 在结束我们的全部课程,且参加SAT官方考试之前,完成并成功提交系统推送的4套全真试卷。
b. 在修习完成我们的课程后,在合理的时间内参加正式考试
您必须在完成我们最后一次辅导课程后的 90 天内,参加官方Digital SAT 考试,并以该次考试成绩作为您参与本政策评估的参考依据。如果您在建议的考试日期内报名参加了官方考试,但考试被取消,您必须参加下一次的官方考试(除非下一次的官方考试在您的课程结束后超过 90 天,在这种情况下您需要联系我们寻求帮助)。
c. 提交退费申请表
如果您符合我们的退费条件,并计划向我们申请退费,您必须在官方考试日期后的 30天内,向我们在线提交包含您的 SAT考试成绩的退费申报表。您可以在提交完成后通知您的课程顾问,以便他/她帮助您跟进处理。
d. 提交正式 SAT 考试成绩的要求
您必须提交下述两份官方的SAT 考试成绩,以便我们衡量您的SAT 分数提高情况:
- 您在学习我们的 SAT 考试准备课程之前最近一次的SAT官方考试分数;
- 您在学习我们的课程后90天内参加的SAT官方考试分数。
- 浏览器地址栏:视频应全程显示您访问的网址信息。
- 登陆过程:视频应从您开始登陆您的College Board账户开始录制。
- 考生姓名:两次考试成绩的查询,视频中均应清晰显示考生姓名,该姓名应与您在我们的平台学员账户登记的学员姓名相匹配。
- 考试日期和考试成绩:两次考试成绩的查询,视频中均应清晰显示考试时间,以及考试成绩。包括总分成绩以及ERW与Math部分的分别得分。
我们不接受SAT 考试成绩单的静态照片或屏幕截图的电子副本。
4. 其他条款
您只能依据我们的保分退款政策提交一次退款申请。在首次提交申请后,您所再次参加的我们的任何Digital SAT课程,都不再适用该政策。
Digital SAT 单科辅导课程保分退款政策
1. 适用范围
SAT 单科辅导课程,包括:
- SAT 英语:SAT-阅读和写作,和SAT- 词汇;或
- SAT -数学
如果您仅修习 SAT 阅读和写作课程或 SAT 词汇课程之一,则不能使用我们对SAT英语单科辅导课程的保分退款政策。当您修习了SAT全科辅导课程所要求的全部课程时,您应该参考我们对全科辅导课程的退款保证政策。
2. 衡量分数提高
我们将您在完成我们的课程后在官方 SAT 考试中获得的分数与您在同一考试中的基准起始分数进行比较。您的基准起始分数,是您在学习我们的 SAT 考试准备课程之前最近一次的SAT官方考试分数。
如果您在课程结束后的 SAT 官方分数没有按照下表所示从起始分数提高,并且您已满足适用保分退款政策的所有条件,我们将退还您的学费:
SAT 英语:SAT-阅读和写作课程和SAT-词汇课程:
起始分数 | 在完成我们的课程后,您参加官方 SAT考试成绩 |
SAT英语(ERW)成绩在500分以下 | SAT成绩至少提高100分 |
SAT英语(ERW)成绩在500-600分之间 | SAT成绩至少提高80分 |
SAT英语(ERW)成绩在600分及以上 | SAT成绩至少达到660分 |
SAT 数学课程:
起始分数 | 在完成我们的课程后,您参加官方 SAT考试成绩 |
SAT数学(Math)成绩在600分以下 | SAT成绩至少提高100分 |
-SAT数学(Math)成绩在600分及以上-- | SAT成绩至少达到700分 |
3. 适用保分退款政策的条件
a.您对学习我们的 SAT 辅导课程的付出
- 参加我们的单科辅导课程中的所有课程。
- 完整出席所有授课活动。
- 在每节授课后,按照您的学员账户->已上课程页面中提示,完成所有课后作业。
- 在结束我们的全部课程,且参加SAT官方考试之前,完成并成功提交系统推送的4套全真试卷。
b. 在修习完成我们的课程后,在合理的时间内参加正式考试
您必须在完成我们最后一次辅导课程后的 90 天内,参加官方Digital SAT 考试,并以该次考试成绩作为您参与本政策评估的参考依据。如果您在建议的考试日期内报名参加了官方考试,但考试被取消,您必须参加下一次的官方考试(除非下一次的官方考试在您的课程结束后超过 90 天,在这种情况下您需要联系我们寻求帮助)。
c. 提交退费申请表
如果您符合我们的退费条件,并计划向我们申请退费,您必须在官方考试日期后的 30天内,向我们在线提交包含您的 SAT考试成绩的退费申报表。您可以在提交完成后通知您的课程顾问,以便他/她帮助您跟进处理。
d. 提交正式 SAT 考试成绩的要求
您必须提交下述两份官方的SAT 考试成绩,以便我们衡量您的SAT 分数提高情况:
- 您在学习我们的 SAT 考试准备课程之前最近一次的SAT官方考试分数;和
- 您在学习我们的课程后90天内参加的SAT官方考试分数。
- 浏览器地址栏:视频应全程显示您访问的网址信息。
- 登陆过程:视频应从您开始登陆您的College Board账户开始录制。
- 考生姓名:两次考试成绩的查询,视频中均应清晰显示考生姓名,该姓名应与您在我们的平台学员账户登记的学员姓名相匹配。
- 考试日期和考试成绩:两次考试成绩的查询,视频中均应清晰显示考试时间,以及考试成绩。包括总分成绩以及ERW与Math部分的分别得分。
我们不接受SAT 考试成绩单的静态照片或屏幕截图的电子副本。
4. 其他条款
您只能依据我们的保分退款政策提交一次退款申请。在首次提交申请后,您所再次参加的我们的任何Digital SAT课程,都不再适用该政策。
- 美国
- 加拿大
- 日本
- 中国大陆
- 台湾
- 香港
- 新加坡
- 英国
- 澳大利亚
- 新西兰