Minors Safeguarding Policy 未成年人关切 | 未成年者に対する懸念
Given the reports received by us and our online education peer institutions regarding inappropriate behavior of parents towards minor students during class, we are deeply concerned. We attempts to clearly and firmly convey to you our position as follows by formulating and submitting this policy to you:
IveExpert adopts a zero tolerance policy for any violent behavior of child abuse, such as intimidation, threats, insults, or even beatings, committed by parents to students and children during classes on the IvyExpert platform.
私たちは、IvyExpert プラットフォームでの教育過程における、脅迫、脅迫、侮辱、さらには保護者による生徒や子供に対する殴打など、虐待と疑われるほど深刻な暴力行為に対して、一切の暴力行為を一切容認しない方針を採用しています。
Any suspected behavior by parents during class will be reported by the teacher as a student safety incident to the platform's supervisor as soon as possible. When the teacher or supervisor determines that the following three situations occur, they will immediately end the teaching to the students in advance:
保護者が授業中に上記の行為を行った疑いがある場合、教師は生徒の安全上のインシデントとしてできるだけ早くプラットフォームの監督者に報告します。教師または監督者が以下の 3 つの状況が発生したと判断した場合、生徒への指導は直ちに終了されます。
1. There is a potential risk of further abuse if the student continues to be taught.
生徒が指導を受け続けると、さらなる虐待の潜在的なリスクがあります。 生徒が指導を続けると。
2. The above behavior of parents is about to or has already affected the normal progress of other students in the same class.
3. The improper behavior of parents has caused or may cause serious anxiety, fear, and negative psychological effects on other students in the same class.
For classes that have ended prematurely due to the above reasons, after referring to the course video playback and confirming that the situation is true, the course services for this class on this account will be processed as provided.
If any of the above described behavior situation is reported and confirmed through audio and video retention materials, IvyExpert will evaluate the degree of harm caused to the children involved, the impact on course progress, or other further impacts (such as the subsequent withdrawal of other students affected by this, or the pursuit of psychological injury), and reserves the right to further dispose of the student account, including but not limited to suspending course services, permanently terminating course services, or assisting in cooperating with relevant investigations or law enforcement agencies or organizations to retrieve course audio and video evidence when necessary.
保護者が上記の行為を行った場合、音声およびビデオの保存データによって確認されれば、IvyExpert は、関与した子供への危害の程度および子供への影響を判断する権利を留保します。精神的健康への影響、コースの進行への影響、またはその他のさらなる影響(これによって影響を受ける他の生徒の退学、精神的損失の追求など)に基づいて、クラスの他の生徒。 .)、コース サービスの停止またはコース サービスの永久終了を含む、アカウントをさらに処分するかどうかを決定する可能性。必要に応じて、当社は、関連する捜査や法執行機関または組織との協力を支援する場合があります。コースの音声とビデオの証拠を入手します。
We are sincerely honored to have the opportunity to work together with you to take care of our children and guard our future!
IvyExpert は、私たちの子供たちを守り、私たちの未来を見守るために、皆さんと協力する機会を得られたことを心から光栄に思っています。