Email AdreesskypeId Your email address will serve as both your login username and the recipient for important communications, including trial instructions, verification codes, and more. We assure you that no promotional advertisements or unsolicited emails will be sent. Please ensure that the information you provide is accurate and valid.Required
Country / Region CodeRequired
Phone Number※ Please avoid entering the country/region code.skypeId Your phone number will be used to generate a unique user ID, ensuring that you are the sole user. We guarantee that this information will not be disclosed to any third parties. Additionally, we promise not to send you any SMS spam. Please enter the digits continuously without inserting spaces or dashes.Required
Instant Messaging AppskypeId If you consent to being contacted via instant messaging, please specify the app you prefer for communication here.
Instant Messaging IDskypeId Please provide the account ID for the instant messaging app you selected in the previous section.
※ Please confirm that the contact information provided is for the student's parent or legal guardian.Required
Your Time ZoneskypeId If the automatically selected time zone is incorrect, you can manually adjust it.
Student's Name or Preferred NameskypeId To facilitate communication with your course advisor, you may provide the student's nickname.
When would you prefer us to contact you?Required
Please select the specific time slots (multiple selections allowed).Required
In which method would you prefer us to contact you first?skypeId If you chose an instant messaging app, please ensure that you have provided that information earlier. Required
Please indicate your preferred service language for this consultation.Required
Referral Code※ If you have one.skypeId Filling in a referral code or not will not affect the quality of our service to you.
※ If you are a student below the age of 18 years, a parent or a legal guardian is required to join you on the consultation call.Required
By submitting, you confirm that you have read and accepted the Terms of Use.

